Introduction to Zirconia Teeth
Zirconia crowns are very special unique crowns. They contain zirconium dioxide a durable and sustainable metal that is under the family of titanium. The zirconium dioxide contributes to the strong and hard nature of the crowns. The main goal of zirconia crowns is to prevent further decay of teeth and improve tooth appearance. Below are some of the problems that the zirconia crowns fix;
Why get a Zirconia Crown?
Many factors might contribute to getting a zirconia tooth, depending on the factor it is important to seek professional advice before deciding to cement the crown. Some of the reasons that might lead to the decision of getting the crown are;
To cover and fix discolored teeth
To improve your smile
Strengthening your tooth to improve on a bite
Covering large filling and root canal
Replacing broken tooth
- Advantage of Zirconia dental
- Strength.
The best feature when choosing a crown is its durability, strength, and functionality. Zirconia crowns have been able to offer exactly that. One of its best and common features is durability and strength. This clears all doubt and improves the functionality of the teeth. Zirconia crowns are made of very rich and strong material which contributes to their strong nature. This also allows for sustainability when chewing tough food.
2. Longevity
Zirconia crowns have proved and bit all odds on its ability to last for a long time. From research done on the zirconia crowns, it brought to light that zirconia crowns can last for longer than 5 years
3. Biocompatibility
Zirconia is adaptable to your body and it will not provoke any unexpected reaction or affect your immune system once it has been installed.
4. Takes less time
The process is quite short and less tedious. Dentists can now make the crowns at the comfort of their own office and once the patient arrives the only procedure left is to cement the crown into the patient.
- Disadvantages of having a zirconia crown
- Can be hard to match
Zirconia crowns portray an opaque nature which is quite hard to match with the normal tooth. As much as the crown is placed at the back of the mouth some clients are very specific on what to cement. This lack of a good aesthetic nature causes a mishap
2. A chance to cause wear and tear on other teeth
One of the advantages of zirconia teeth is their durability and strong nature, however, this also might be a disadvantage. The hardness nature of the zirconia crown might cause wear and tear to its opposite teeth.
Zirconia crown with porcelain
Zirconia crown has pretty much its downside and upside that will help a patient choose whether to choose it or not. One of its drawbacks is its appearance and inability of a normal teeth aesthetic feature. To solve this, Zirconia crowns are now coated with porcelain which gives the crown a natural and real appearance. This is however a temporary solution as the coating might start delaminating after some time and the crown will go back to its original color.
- Healing process
The recovery process takes about 3 months to recover fully. During this period patients are discouraged to engage in strenuous activities that might affect the healing process. Below are some of the guidelines that should be followed to enable a quick recovery;
- Take the prescribed medication. – After undergoing the whole process, you will be prescribed medications that will aid your healing process which include pain killers. The medication should be taken as per the guided and given instructions.
- Use an ice pack – An ice pack will remain the oldest trick in the book from ancient days. This will relieve your face with pain and make you numb. It also reduces and prevents swelling after the procedure.
- Do not take hot foods for at least 24 hours – Hot foods are not the best especially with a swollen mouth. This can cause prolonged bleeding of the mouth as it has not yet recovered from the surgery. It is therefore advised to take warm food that will not interfere with the recovery process.
- Eat soft foods – Since the wound and pain are still fresh, soft foods and liquids are highly encouraged and advised to be taken. To prevent creating a wound or causing bleeding.
- Avoid Drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes –The patient should refrain from taking alcohol or smoking cigar rete for at least one to two weeks to give maximum time for the tooth to heal well.
- Avoid putting pressure on the area, this may involve using your tongue or finger to check or confirm the condition of the tooth from time to time. The pressure might cause harm to the tooth and lead to damage.
- Brush carefully – Avoid brushing near the new tooth as the brush might injure the tooth and cause bleeding or damage. Gently and carefully brush only the biting and surface area
Types of Zirconia Crowns
1. Monolithic Zirconium crowns:
The monolithic zirconium crown contains zirconium oxide which gives it the strength and durable feature. It contains the opacity color however it can be color-matched to fit your tooth. Most times the monopolistic zirconium crowns are placed at the back of the tooth due to their opacity and strong nature
2. Layered zirconium crowns:
The layered crowns are made with layered lithium disilicate ceramic on top of the coping. Unlike the monolithic, the layered porcelains provide a translucent look which enables the tooth to look natural and real. Due to its natural feature, it is preferred to be placed in the front of the mouth to bring out the smile.
3. Anterior zirconia cosmetic blocks:
Zirconia restoration is esthetically better accepted than metallic framework, but it remains clinically too white and opaque. Therefore, dental zirconia manufacturers introduce pre-colored zirconia framework to ameliorate the overall matching color.
Different techniques have been launched: adding pigments to the initial zirconia ceramic powder, dipping zirconia milled frameworks in dissolved coloring agents, applying liner material to sintered framework. Finally thinner veneer is then required to mask the underlying framework.
The ability to control the shade of the core may also eliminate the need to veneer the lingual and gingival aspects of the connectors in those situations where the interocclusal-distance is limited and the required connector dimensions are minimally achieved.
There are two popular anterior zirconia cosmetic blocks available from Dental Laboratorio.
1.Dental zirconia blocks with pre-colored Ivoclar Vivadent Bleach BL Shade,it comes to BL1,BL2,BL3,BL4,Six layers transistion in nature,49% translcuency,700Mpa.

2.3D multi layer dental zirconia blocks designed for anterior cosmetic, it features of the followings advantage:

Translucency transition:A superior aesthetic level of 57% at incisal transit to 43% in cervical;
Flexural Strength: 600MPA-900MPA, the force transit from 600Mpa in incisal to 900Mpa in the cervix;
Shade transition:6 colors gradually transition.
The best Toothpaste for Zirconia teeth
Choose a toothpaste that has a low abrasiveness as they are harsh to enamel and zirconia crowns. To be on the safe side choose a toothpaste that has fluoride. Zirconium is harder than your enamel, and bacteria don’t break them down; therefore, brush and floss the part of your teeth not covered by zirconium, and you’ll be fine.
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To access the dental products and materials, visit our website at and grab your product or request for free delivery. Products available include, but not limited to;
· Preshared Multi-Layer Zirconia Zirkon Zahn Blocks
· Amann Girrbach Anterior Dental Zirconia Veneers
· 3D Multilayer Dental Zirconia Block-Wieland System
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