Category Archives: dentist dental supply

Precise Control vs Raw Power: 4:1 vs 1:5 Contra Angles

endodontic rotary handpiece attachment for rotary files

Contra angle handpieces are essential tools in dental treatment, allowing dentists to access hard to reach areas in the mouth. The angled neck and head provide visibility and maneuverability that a straight handpiece cannot. Recent advancements have led to the development of both reducing speed and increasing speed contra angles, each with their own advantages. […]

Continuous Rotary Files Vs. Reciprocating Files, Benefits, Features, Comparative

V Blue reciprocating endodontic files for sale online

Continuous rotary files and reciprocating files are both used in endodontic procedures to clean and shape the root canals of teeth. Continuous rotary files are designed to rotate continuously in one direction. They are made from a single piece of nickel-titanium alloy and have a cutting edge that runs along the entire length of the […]

Key Considerations Before Starting Invisalign Treatment

invisable orthodontic tray by cad/cam

You are considering Invisalign treatment but are wondering how to start the process.  Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of seven key points you need to know before embarking on your journey to a perfect smile. We’ve covered you, from the cost and treatment duration to maintenance tips and potential side effects. Take out […]

Proper Maintenance of Endo Motors – Key for Reliable Performance in Dental Practices

endo motor handpiece head

Endodontic or endo motors have become an indispensable equipment in modern dental clinics and practices. An endo motor is used to determine working length and facilitate cleaning and shaping procedures during root canal treatment. With an integrated apex locator, it enhances precision and efficiency while performing endodontic procedures. However, like with any dental equipment, proper […]

Endodontic Motor Mistakes to Avoid for Successful Root Canals: Tips from Experts

root canal handpiece with apex locator connection

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Endodontic Motor 1. Introduction Welcome to the world of modern endodontics! With advancements in technology, endodontic procedures have become more efficient and precise, thanks to instruments like the endodontic motor with an apex locator. This tool has revolutionized the way root canals are performed, providing better outcomes for patients […]