CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit for Zirconia

Explore the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit for Zirconia.

Enhance the esthetics and durability of zirconia-based prosthetics with this reliable kit.

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Deal of the Day

Original price was: $236.00.Current price is: $165.00.


Kit for Zirconia Aesthetics

The CERATEC universal stain and glaze kit is designed for dental laboratories. It provides a versatile solution for staining and glazing zirconia-based restorations. The kit enhances the esthetics and durability of dental prosthetics.

Application in Dental Laboratory:

    • Staining: The kit allows technicians to apply natural-looking color effects to zirconia restorations.
    • Glazing: It provides a protective and aesthetic glaze layer, enhancing the surface finish and preventing wear.


Parameter Value
Powder 20g
Liquid 100ml

Crafted to perfection, the stain and glaze kit for zirconia stands as a game-changer in dental restoration. With its advanced technology and precision, this kit ensures impeccable results that exceed expectations. As a seasoned dental professional with years of hands-on experience, I can attest to the transformative power of this product.

From enhancing aesthetics to ensuring durability, this stain and glaze kit for zirconia elevates the standard of dental restorations. Say goodbye to mediocre results and embrace excellence with every application. Get ready to unlock a new realm of possibilities in dental craftsmanship.

Key Takeaways

  • Enhance Zirconia Restorations: Utilize the stain and glaze kit to improve both the esthetics and durability of zirconia dental restorations.

  • Versatile Color Effects: Achieve natural-looking color effects on zirconia restorations using the kit’s versatile solutions.

  • Protective Glaze Layer: Apply the aesthetic glaze to create a protective layer that enhances the appearance and longevity of the restoration.

  • Follow Powder and Liquid Specifications: Adhere to the specific powder and liquid specifications provided in the kit for optimal results.

  • Make Informed Purchases: Use the buying guide to make informed decisions when selecting a stain and glaze kit for zirconia restorations.

  • Create Stunning Results: By following the recommended steps and guidelines, you can create stunning and long-lasting results on zirconia restorations.

CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit for Zirconia

Key Features

The stain and glaze kit for zirconia offers a simple way to enhance the esthetics and durability of zirconia-based prosthetics. It provides a versatile solution for staining and glazing zirconia-based restorations, catering to various aesthetic preferences and requirements.

The natural-looking color effects achieved through this kit are impressive, giving zirconia restorations a lifelike appearance that closely resembles natural teeth. The ability to create such realistic color effects is crucial in ensuring patient satisfaction and confidence in their dental work.

The protective aesthetic glaze layer provided by this kit serves as a barrier against wear and tear, enhancing the surface finish of zirconia restorations. This feature not only improves the overall appearance of the prosthetic but also prolongs its lifespan, ensuring long-term satisfaction for both patients and dental professionals alike.

Specs Values
Improves the visual appeal of zirconia prosthetics Enhance the esthetics and durability of zirconia-based prosthetics
Increases the longevity of zirconia restorations Versatile solution for staining and glazing zirconia-based restorations
Provides a glossy finish for enhanced aesthetics Provides natural-looking color effects to zirconia restorations, Protective and aesthetic glaze layer to enhance surface finish and prevent wear

Enhances Esthetics and Durability

Suitable for various zirconia-based dental applications, the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit offers a versatile solution for staining and glazing techniques. This kit is compatible with different types of zirconia restorations, providing flexibility in enhancing the esthetics and durability of dental prosthetics.

The ability to customize the staining and glazing techniques allows for a personalized approach to achieving natural-looking color effects on zirconia restorations. This versatility ensures that each restoration can be tailored to meet the specific aesthetic requirements of individual patients, enhancing overall satisfaction with the final result.

By incorporating a protective aesthetic glaze layer, this kit not only enhances the surface finish of zirconia restorations but also helps prevent wear over time. The added durability provided by the glaze layer ensures that the restorations maintain their esthetic appeal for an extended period, offering long-lasting benefits to both patients and dental professionals.

In my experience, using the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit has allowed me to achieve consistent and reliable results across a range of zirconia-based restorations. Whether working on crowns, bridges, or veneers, this kit has proven to be adaptable and effective in enhancing both the esthetics and durability of the final prosthetics.

The flexibility offered by this stain and glaze kit makes it suitable for various clinical scenarios, from simple single-unit restorations to more complex full-mouth rehabilitations. Its compatibility with different types of zirconia materials further expands its applicability, ensuring that dental professionals can confidently use this kit across a wide range of cases.

When looking to enhance the esthetics and durability of zirconia-based dental restorations, the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit stands out as a reliable and versatile solution that delivers consistent results while prioritizing patient satisfaction.

Versatile Solution for Zirconia Restorations

Creating lifelike color shades on zirconia surfaces is crucial for achieving a natural appearance that seamlessly blends with surrounding dentition. This stain and glaze kit offers a versatile solution by mimicking the unique hues present in natural teeth, enhancing the overall esthetics of zirconia restorations.

The ability to recreate the intricate color variations found in natural teeth is essential when working on zirconia restorations. With this kit, you can achieve a seamless blend between the prosthetic and the patient’s existing dentition, ensuring a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing result.

When it comes to zirconia restorations, durability is as important as esthetics. This stain and glaze kit not only enhances the visual appeal of the prosthetic but also provides a protective glaze layer that helps prevent wear and tear over time. By incorporating both esthetic and functional elements, this kit offers a comprehensive solution for zirconia restorations.

Natural-Looking Color Effects

Adding a protective coating to zirconia restorations is crucial for longevity and aesthetics. It not only safeguards against discoloration but also enhances the overall smoothness of the surface.

The protective layer provided by the stain and glaze kit helps in guarding zirconia restorations against wear over time. This ensures that the natural-looking color effects remain vibrant and durable, maintaining the restoration’s aesthetic appeal for an extended period.

In my experience, using a stain and glaze kit for zirconia restorations has significantly improved the final outcome of my dental prosthetics. The natural-looking color effects achieved through this process have enhanced the overall appearance of the restorations, making them blend seamlessly with the patient’s natural teeth.

Furthermore, the added protection against discoloration and wear is essential for long-term satisfaction with zirconia restorations. Whether it’s for anterior or posterior restorations, the stain and glaze kit provides a versatile solution that caters to various needs while ensuring consistent and reliable results.

By incorporating a protective and aesthetic glaze layer, this kit not only enhances the surface finish but also contributes to the durability of zirconia restorations. This dual functionality makes it a valuable addition to any dental practice looking to deliver high-quality, long-lasting prosthetic solutions to their patients.

Protective Aesthetic Glaze Layer

Contains 20g of staining powder and 100ml of liquid glaze.

The precise measurements ensure consistent results every time.

The easy-to-use powder and liquid components make the application process straightforward.

This kit offers a protective aesthetic glaze layer that not only enhances the surface finish but also helps prevent wear.

I found the measurements to be accurate, resulting in predictable outcomes each time I used the product.

The ease of use makes it suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals alike.

Whether you are looking to enhance the esthetics or durability of zirconia-based prosthetics, this kit provides a versatile solution.

The protective glaze layer adds an extra level of protection to ensure longevity.

Overall, the Protective Aesthetic Glaze Layer in this kit is a valuable addition to any dental restoration process.

Powder and Liquid Specifications

The CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit offers a generous 30% discount, making it an affordable option for enhancing zirconia restorations. The kit includes 20g of powder and 100ml of liquid, providing ample materials for multiple applications.

When purchasing this kit, customers can rest assured that they are receiving 100% genuine products with all taxes included. This transparency adds to the trustworthiness of the brand and ensures that users are getting high-quality materials for their dental work.

Furthermore, the benefit of free shipping (excluding certain products) is a convenient perk for those looking to save on additional costs. The quick dispatch within 1 to 3 working days ensures that customers receive their orders promptly, allowing for efficient workflow in dental practices.

In my experience, having access to a stain and glaze kit with specific powder and liquid specifications has been incredibly beneficial. The precise measurements provided in the CERATEC kit have allowed me to achieve consistent results in color matching and surface finishing for zirconia restorations.

Whether you are a seasoned dental professional or a beginner looking to enhance your zirconia-based prosthetics, the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit’s powder and liquid specifications offer a versatile solution. The ease of use and reliable quality make it suitable for various needs, from simple touch-ups to more complex aesthetic enhancements.

Buying Guide

When considering a stain and glaze kit for zirconia restorations, it is essential to look for a product that not only enhances aesthetics but also provides durability.

Ensuring that the kit offers versatile solutions for staining and glazing zirconia-based restorations is crucial. This allows for flexibility in achieving desired color effects while maintaining the strength of the prosthetic.

Checking for a protective aesthetic glaze layer is important as it helps enhance the surface finish of the restoration, preventing wear and tear over time.


In your quest for the ideal stain and glaze kit for zirconia restorations, you’ve discovered a versatile solution that not only enhances esthetics but also bolsters durability. The natural-looking color effects, coupled with the protective aesthetic glaze layer, ensure a seamless finish that elevates the quality of your work. Understanding the powder and liquid specifications is crucial for achieving optimal results, making this buying guide an essential resource in your decision-making process.

For flawless zirconia restorations that exude both beauty and resilience, investing in the right stain and glaze kit is paramount. Armed with the knowledge gleaned from this comprehensive guide, you’re well-equipped to make an informed choice that will set your dental creations apart. Elevate your craft and unlock endless possibilities with the perfect stain and glaze kit tailored for your zirconia restorations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit stand out for zirconia restorations?

The CERATEC kit offers a versatile solution that enhances esthetics and durability of zirconia prosthetics. It provides natural-looking color effects and a protective glaze layer, ensuring a high-quality finish.

How long does it take to dispatch the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit?

The kit is typically dispatched within 1 to 3 working days after placing the order. This quick dispatch time ensures you receive your products promptly to begin your zirconia restoration projects without delay.

Are the products in the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit genuine?

Yes, all products in the CERATEC kit are 100% genuine. You can trust in the quality and authenticity of the materials provided, ensuring optimal results for your zirconia-based restorations.

Does the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit offer any discounts or promotions?

Yes, there is currently a 30% discount available on the CERATEC kit. Take advantage of this offer to obtain premium staining and glazing materials at a more affordable price point without compromising on quality.

What are the key benefits of using the CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit for zirconia restorations?

CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit
CERATEC Universal Stain and Glaze Kit for Zirconia